What are common effects of marijuana on the body, brain, and behavior? + -

It’s why most people try marijuana. The main psychoactive ingredient, THC, stimulates the part of your brain that responds to pleasure, like food and sex. That unleashes a chemical called dopamine, which gives you a euphoric, relaxed feeling.


If you vape or smoke weed, the THC could get into your bloodstream quickly enough for you to get your high in seconds or minutes. The THC level usually peaks in about 30 minutes, and its effects may wear off in 1-3 hours. If you drink or eat pot, it may take many hours for you to fully sober up. You may not always know how potent your recreational marijuana might be. That also goes for most medical marijuana.

Source: https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/addiction/marijuana-use-and-its-effects

How does marijuana work? + -

Marijuana contains THC — formally known as tetrahydrocannabinol — the chemical compound responsible for the drug’s euphoric effects. The brain contains receptors that control bodily functions. When inhaled or entered into the bloodstream, THC from marijuana travels to the brain and influences how the brain receptors communicate with the body. This chemical throws off the natural balance of these receptors and other brain chemicals, creating the high people feel. Effects of this drug are immediate but can take longer to enter the bloodstream if it is eaten.

Source: https://www.therecoveryvillage.com/marijuana-addiction/how-does-marijuana-work/

Long-term effects (effects of repeated use)? + -

In addition to its more acute, or short-term drug effects, there is growing evidence that marijuana use may have lasting consequences on brain development—especially when marijuana use starts in adolescence when the brain is still developing—and can lead to other long-term physical and mental health problems, which may include.2,3

Source: https://americanaddictioncenters.org/marijuana-rehab/long-term-effects

What are the health risks of using marijuana? + -

Marijuana—which can also be called cannabis, weed, pot, or dope—refers to the dried flowers, leaves, stems, and seeds of the cannabis plant. The cannabis plant contains more than 100 compounds (or cannabinoids). These compounds include tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), which is impairing or mind-altering, as well as other active compounds, such as cannabidiol (CBD). CBD is not impairing, meaning it does not cause a “high”.1

Marijuana is the most commonly used federally illegal drug in the United States, with an estimated 48.2 million people using it in 2019.2 Marijuana use may have a wide range of health effects on the body and brain.


Source: https://www.cdc.gov/marijuana/health-effects/index.html

Marijuana is legal in many states. Does that mean it’s safe? + -

Marijuana laws are changing at a rapid pace across all 50 states, making things a bit confusing at times. In order to keep up with the ever-changing laws, DISA has provided this interactive map for information on legalization, medical use, recreational use, and anything in between.

Are you wondering what the marijuana laws are in your state?

This marijuana legalization map clearly defines the laws in each state and remains up-to-date with the latest changes on a monthly basis. It’s important to understand and respect the rules that vary across the U.S. regarding marijuana use, and whether you’re a visiting tourist or a resident the following information will help you steer clear of any misunderstandings or trouble. Scroll over each state to learn more about their individual legalization laws.

Not sure where to start with drug testing?

Last Updated: March 1, 2024

  1. State status reflects current laws at the time of update, not pending legislation or future dates upon which marijuana becomes available medicinally or recreationally. States with legislation that has passed but has a future enactment date will be marked with an asterisk *.
  2. CBD oil can be made with or without THC. This chart is specifically referring to CBD Oil with THC as an ingredient. CBD oil with THC is illegal in states marked as "Fully Illegal".
  3. All "statuses" are subject to state limits. E.g., CBD Oil may only be legal to 0.5% THC or marijuana may only be legal to one ounce. Please consult state laws.

Disclaimer: This information is provided for educational purposes only and not as legal advice or opinion. The reader retains full responsibility for the use of the information contained herein. Employers or employees seeking a determination of legal rights should seek the counsel of an attorney or designated official of the applicable regulating agency.




Does CBD get you high? + -

It’s one of hundreds of compounds in these plants, but it’s received more attention lately as changes to state and federal laws have led to a rise in the production of CBD-infused products.


Another well-known cannabinoid is tetrahydrocannabinol (THC). This compound is known for its psychoactive effects when consumed with cannabis, or marijuana.

THC produces what many consider a “high,” or an altered state characterized by euphoria, pleasure, or heightened sensory perception.

CBD doesn’t cause a high like THC.

CBD does have some positive health benefits, like helping people with anxiety and depression. If you’re seeking out CBD as a means to get high, you won’t experience that.


Source: https://www.healthline.com/health/does-cbd-get-you-high

What's the difference between Sativa and Indica? + -

The two main types of cannabis, sativa and indica, are used for several medicinal and recreational purposes. Sativa has primarily an energizing effect, while indica has a relaxing effect and can help you sleep.



Difference between Natural Marijuana and synthetic marijuana? + -

Hundreds of synthetic marijuana products exist on the market, and they are often misleadingly advertised. Despite the name, however, synthetic marijuana is very different from natural marijuana. The misconception that they are the same drug leads many people down a dangerous path of abuse and addiction that can be catastrophic for their health. But what is synthetic marijuana? What makes it so much more dangerous than natural marijuana? The fact is, both natural and synthetic marijuana are often misunderstood. Recognizing the nature of these two commonly abused recreational drugs is essential for recovering from their effects and avoiding dangerous outcomes.

Source: https://designforrecovery.com/addiction/marijuana/synthetic-marijuana-vs-natural-marijuana/

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